Tag: streaming
Question: How to use streaming?
Date: 2010-September-22 @ 20:42
A Forum post raises a question of the practical usage of streaming in the ASN.1 code generated by asn1c:
Hello, I want to use the protocol to send a lot of data, but the device isn't able to hold the whole amount of received data in RAM. It has to work only with parts of the structure at a time.The ASN.1 streaming is easily the most exciting thing the asn1c has to offer. It's not something that's needed too often, but when it does, it's invaluable. Let's split the problem into two parts: how to decode in constant space and how to encode in constant space.For example,
BigMessage ::= SEQUENCE { time-stamp UTCTime, messages SEQUENCE OF SmallMessage }If I get only the first half of the Big Message, I want to work with all received
and then I have to to free my buffer due to limited resources. When I get the second part, I want to work on it and I want to know, if the message was valid...On the encoder site, I also have to send "half" messages.
How can I do this?